
Tips For Beginners At The Gym

So you finally joined a gym...

Congratulations, you just made the best decision ever.

Before I get into some tips, I just wanted to say that I've been through all of this myself and watched others go through it. Joining a gym can be extremely intimidating. Over the past week I've heard people talking in the change room about how some days they come in and walk back out because they get scared. CONFIDENCE is key here, but it's hard to build. You must remember that everyone is there to accomplish a goal just like you. Even now, years later I still get intimidated. But I just find my own place, turn on my music and completely zone out. 

-321 squats later-


If you are just starting out, don't over do it. Plan to go a couple times a week not 5-6. Work your way up to being able to handle more. Your body has to heal after each workout, so make sure you are tuned in to what your body is telling you. Start small and work your way up. If you injure yourself, you are going to set yourself back from your goal. 


When you are first starting PLEASE don't go around thinking you should be wearing all the skimpy tank tops, cut offs and leggings. There are a ton of people who go to the gym JUST to wear those clothes- they likely have no idea what they are doing. Wear what you are comfortable in and something you won't be fiddling with. The last thing you want to worry about at the gym is if your ass is hanging out (see below).

credit: google images


Some people hate cardio, but some people LOVE cardio. Please just don't buy a gym membership to run on the treadmill... It won't do anything for you. Indulge in cardio, but switch it up as much as possible.

I recommend doing a 5-10 minute warm up on a bike or tread mill before lifting. If you are trying to lose weight then 20-30 minutes more after your training.


- your new best friends- it's okay to hoard them-

It's huge myth that if you are a girl and you lift something heavy and put it back down you will look like a man. WRONG! Weight lifting burns calories and depletes your energy. So when you put your bunny ears on after, you should be tapping into your secondary source of energy- BODY FAT. Biggest pet peeve- people who pick up the biggest weight possible, just to drop it back to the floor. So don't do that. It'll only make you look ridiculous.


I can't say this enough. If you can't get your form right, you aren't doing anything. In fact you will likely hurt yourself. Google up images of the exercise you are trying to do and watch some videos. Practice the form in your bedroom in front of a mirror to save yourself some embarrassment at that gym. 

**I was trying to find a picture for here- but just click here **


Talk to other people you know, connect with bloggers and read what you can about how to achieve your goals. Make sure you stay away from information regarding "weight loss pills" and anything that suggests rapid weight loss or "miracles". Losing weight to keep it off happens at a slow rate (about 1-2lbs per week). But the more you talk to others, the more it will benefit you. 


You probably already have an idea of your big goal- if you don't...get one. Keep your big goal in mind, but give yourself smaller targets. Make a monthly goal and weekly goals. These will help keep you on track for your big goal and will give you a sense of accomplishment. 


Every work out challenge yourself. Push your self to do one more minute of cardio, one more set of weights, one more rep, or a new exercise. If you aren't throwing up or passed out, you can do it! 


Most importantly you need to make working out fun and you need to enjoy it. There will be days that it won't feel fun, but make it fun. Bring a friend, change up your Ipod or just remember that end goal. 

- bouncy fun in between ab sets -

The fitness lifestyle has so much to offer. There is a lot to learn, but I will make sure to post more details about how I overcame the intimidation and gained my confidence to be at the gym. I will support you all in the best way that I can. 

Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below or my email if you want to keep it personal.


  1. I haven't joined a gym because I am not that dedicated, I wish I was, but I do my blogilates so I don't feel so guilty ^.^
    Great motivational post!

  2. At least you can admit that! Motivation will only come within you. You have to WANT to do it. Perhaps more of my fit posts will inspire you, however blogilates is a GREAT start. Good for you! :)

  3. I have zero motivation I keep thinking im gonna start doing some casual exercise and even that is a lot. But I've decided I'm gonna do a class or gym session a week cos I need to tone up, I have poorly muscles so they need strength so reading this post has really helped me want to make that change more. Thank you :) xx

    1. I'm so happy this has motivated you. A class is a good start because you won't feel as embarrassed when everyone is doing the same thing. It's hard to get started, but once you do you can become addicted!

      If you have any direct questions shoot me an email! I would be glad to share more! : )

  4. This is a great post - very motivational :) I have just joined the gym and totally agree with all your points! Luckily I go to a fairly relaxed gym so there are not loads of people "modelling" which always makes it easier to feel comfortable :) xx

    Brenda BusyBee | GIVEAWAY

    1. I love that you referred to it as "modelling!" that's totally how I felt when I first started and I still see it happen! Good for you forgetting started! What is our goal?

      I'll be doing more fitness posts too so hopefully they will help you :)

    2. I am trying to lose weight as well as tone up. I am not trying to be the next Kate Moss, just a healthy "non wobble" weight :) Looking forward to your fitness posts xx

    3. I love the way you put that!!! Great goal! i'll be posting a fitness post hopefully tomorrow! It's been a crazy week, but I have something good coming up! Keep me posted on your journey to goal!

      -D xo

  5. Getting to the gym is hard for me at the moment because I work so much and have to study. That being said, I try to go to Zumba twice a week (which has really helped) or I'll do a couple of the routines at home (because I've been going so... I'm kinda pro at some.) I can't wait for my semester to finish so I can get back into it properly!

    Sarah xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. I miss Zumba. Such a fun way to work out!! What are activities/classes do you do when you aren't at school?

      I'll be posting about somethings you can do at home very soon! Maybe those will help you too!

      - D xo
