
The Liebster Award

Last week I was extremely surprised to see that I was nominated for a Liebster Award. Thank you Megan from See You In Seven for nominating me. Megan is a blogger from the UK who is coming over to Canada (only 45 minutes from me) and I am so excited for her.

Now on to the award :)

11 Random Facts About Me

1. I was a competitive figure skater for most of my life.
2. I am obsessed with exotic cars.
3. My cat is 20+ years old and I love her to pieces.
4. Ice-cream is my all time favourite food- deserves its own food group.
5. I have two university degrees which completed one of my childhood dreams.
6. I have never broken a bone (knock on wood).
7. I've had the same best friend since grade 1.
8. I am a lucid dreamer. 
9. I play football (soccer) year round.
10. I am fascinated by criminology (second honours degree). 
11. I have 2 tattoos (for now) and 7 piercings. 

Megan's Questions

1.Why did you start blogging?

I wanted to share my thoughts with the world with the hope of inspiring at least one person. It's a great outlet and something positive to concentrate on. I love writing and have always wanted to use it to inspire others.

2. What is your favourite item of clothing for Autumn/Winter?

Boots and scarves. I love them both equally and always miss them when they are gone.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Canada. I wouldn't trade the unity, love, compassion and support this country offers for anything. 

4. What's your favourite lyric?

I'm not sure I can pinpoint one lyric that I would consider my favourite. 

5. Tea or coffee?

Green Tea, Ice Coffee & Lattes. Just no HOT coffee. I know it's weird 

6. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

Do you understand now, why I always said "everything happens for a reason" ? 

7. What are your three favourite internet sites?

Mirror.co.uk -- I am constantly reading this site for news. It's always full of fascinating stories. 

Bloglovin' -- My new favourite because it holds all the blogs I want to read in one place. It's like pinterest for blogs :) 

Google -- My favourite place for anything and everything from scholarly journals, silly questions, inspiration, and blogs. Yes, it's a search engine, but it's my go-to for everything and it never dissapoints me.

8. What was the last present you received?

My sister went to Mexico to shoot a wedding and brought me back a small sailboat pendant. Check out her photography blog Scarlet Lens Photograpgy .

9. What makes you feel nostalgic?

The smallest part of any memory can make me feel nostalgic. A scent, a color, a particular place, a car, an object, a person's voice, a specific word, a song, and even just a movement. My mind can place all of these things to a memory and I often reflect in my mind right then and there.

10. Who is your favourite blogger?

I cannot choose. I love all the blogs I read for individual reasons.

11. What would your dream job be?

My dream job would be to carry out my restorative justice program for bullying within the schools and show the world you can make a difference, it just needs to be done right. 
I would also love to be the author of my own book about a tragedy I have been through. 

My Nomination

Chloe @ Chloe's Concept

* All other bloggers I wanted to nominated have already been nominated * 

My Nominee's Questions

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your favourite book and why?
3. Who or what is your inspiration in life?
4. Favourite memory from summer 2014?
5. One food you could live off the rest of your life?
6. What is your dream vacation?
7. Where do you want your blog to be by next year this time?
8. What's the makeup item you can't live without?
9. Favourite holiday and why?
10. What are you most afraid of?
11. Favourite thing about yourself?

The Rules

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer 11 questions by the person who nominated you
3. Nominate 5 bloggers to do the same (with less than 200 followers)
4. Let your nominee's know they have been nominated


  1. Congratulations for the nomination! I am going to add another award to your collection now as I have tagged you for the One Lovely Blogger Award! :)

    - Taisie ♥ | Life by Taisie

    1. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! Sorry for the late response!! I will get to this!! <3

      - D xo

  2. Congratulations! You have a lovely blog :)
    Alex // www.prettythoughtsx.blogspot.co.uk
