
...Happiness Is NOT A Destination;

Far too often do I hear people speak of how they are "unhappy" with their lives. Even I was a culprit of this unhealthy interpretation of feelings. It took a long time for me to understand that happiness is NOT a destination. I've said it before to people and they look at me with a blank stare coupled with thoughts of me being insane. But I promise you that after this explanation, if even just for a day you try this, you will never consider yourself to be "unhappy" in your life.

Now don't get me wrong, we all have unhappy moments. For instance, just the other day I realized I need to buy new weight lifting gloves since mine are starting to fall apart. I know... first world problems here. However, this was an unhappy moment for me because I really like my gloves and know I can't purchase the same ones again. Obviously, there are worst moments that all make us unhappy... the loss of a loved one, a terrible job, a break up, or just an unwelcome change to our lives. Learning to cope with all of these issues has been a struggle for me, until recently.

The secret is in the feeling of the moment, not in what you THINK is going to make you happy. We watch overrated girly films and watch people struggle through their issues. When they reach the end of their story we get the "happy ending" and attribute that to our own lives. DON'T! Instead, start learning to indulge in every ounce of happy that you get no what moment you are in. Cherish those moments and realize that a "happy ending" doesn't exist, simply because happiness exists at all times not at a final destination.

The picture above is from a weekend at the cottage. In that moment I indulged myself in happiness and captured it. I'm working on trying to embrace more of these moments myself, and dig the happiness out of the unhappy even when it seems impossible. I'm learning to DREAM about the positive and to EXHALE the negative.

This blog will be my home for touching on those moments, sharing tips/opinions and inspiring others to embrace their lives.

How do you chase your dreams while exhaling?


  1. I agree that you sometimes need to stop and find the good things with what you already have. There's nothing wrong with having goals and working towards those goals, but sometimes you can lose yourself along the way. I've certainly known sorrow at its greatest, but I'd say that generally I'm a happy person and I have a happy life.

    Sarah xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

    1. You are right. It's when we get lost along the way we forget to hold on to those good moments.

      Project your happiness on to others :)

      D xo

  2. Brilliant post!! So very very true! Thank you for sharing! xx

    1. You are welcome! Sometimes reading how other people feel about things really help people realize how they can change their ways :) xo.

  3. This is such a lovely post. It is so easy to get wrapped up in looking towards the future that we forget about the present! I think it's important to step back and realise what you have, as well as what you're aiming for! x

    Lauren | http://whatlaurendidtoday.blogspot.co.uk/ x

    1. You are completely right! Often times it takes someone else to tell you to step back and look at what is going on. Always keep your mind on your dreams!!


  4. This is a great post. If you are trying so hard to be happy, you won't actually relax and you miss all the little things! That's what I try to focus on, take it day by day :) x

    1. You got it lady! Might as well live in the moment or you'll lose it all together!

      - D xo
